Painting with acrylics has a similar appearance to painting with oil, but it dries much more quickly. This is why it is so well-liked by our pupils who are just beginning off with painting. From the very basics, like how to hold a brush and combine colours, you will learn everything.
Before entering acrylic we covered basic sketching-topic like Elements of art, perspective study, shading objective study, and some reference practice with colored pencils.
Material required
Good internet connection
A4 size drawing book 300 GSM and 170 GSM
Acrylic paints
Round brushes and flat brushes
HB,2B,4,B,6,B,8B,10 PENCIL
Course Curriculum
Shading,light and shadow
Design concept
Colour pencil practice
Nature study, birds and animals
Perspective study
Introducing acrylic painting
Color wheel,Color value
Painting practice
What Student’s Say
Our core values are at the heart of all that we do.
It was very good experience to learn under Satija Ma'am.She is excellent teacher with very good teaching skills and patience